Updates @fr

New Report Shows How World Bank Enables Corporate Land Grabs

Source: April 24, 2019 Alnoor Ladha, Truthout At the World Bank’s annual meeting this month, the Bank’s new president and former Trump…

Flawed conditions: the impact of the World Bank’s conditionality on developing countries

Gino Brunswijck Source: Eurodad The World Bank exerts enormous influence over the economies of developing countries through loan conditions, advisory services, technical…

The highest bidder takes it all: The World Bank’s new scheme to privatise land in the Global South

Source: The Bretton Woods Project April 4, 2019 Frédéric Mousseau SUMMARY The World Bank is launching an unprecedented attack on the commons…

Un Nouvel Indicateur Foncier Au Service De La Logique Néolibérale

Source: SOS FAIM March 27, 2019 – Défis Sud – Doing Business (DB) d’abord, Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) ensuite. Les…

A Response to Klaus Deininger’s Blog Post The World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference: 20 years on

Dear Mr. Deininger, Your recent blog post surprisingly contradicts the prescriptions and policy guidance that your organization, the World Bank, gives to…

An Open Letter to the World Bank on its 20th Land and Poverty Conference

Ms. Kristalina Georgieva Interim President, World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC, 20433   End the Enabling the Business of Agriculture…

Alerte sur le plan de la Banque mondiale de privatisation des terres dans les pays en développement

POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE 24 janvier 2019 Contact média: Frédéric Mousseau fmousseau@oaklandinstitute.org +1-510-512-5458 Oakland, CA—En avance de la publication du rapport 2019 Enabling…

World Bank – IMF Guilty of Promoting Land Grabs, Increasing Inequality

La Via Campesina Press Release: 07 OCTOBER, BALI: At a meeting of La Via Campesina facilitated by Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI) in…

The IMF and World Bank: Aiding and abetting inequality in Asia

by Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development Asia continues to draw attention as the “most important engine of global growth,” according…

Declaration of the People’s Global Conference against the IMF-World Bank Bali, Indonesia

We, the participants to the People’s Global Conference (PGC) against the IMF-World Bank, representing 93 organizations from 18 countries, coming from various…