Updates @fr

Déclaration: La Banque Mondiale hors de la terre!

Le jour de l’ouverture de la Conférence sur la terre 2024 de la Banque mondiale, des organisations de productrices et producteurs alimentaires à petite…

Be Ready to Further Corporate Exploitation — World Bank Resuscitates Defunct Doing Business Project

Frederic Mousseau World Bank’s latest Business Ready or B-Ready project, announced on May 1, 2023, resuscitates the defunct Doing Business Report (DBR).…

Amidst Chaos of War, A New Report Exposes the Stealth Take-over of Ukrainian Agricultural Land

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE— February 21, 2023; 5:00 AM PST Media Contact: amittal@oaklandinstitute.org, +1 510-469-5228 One year into the war, a new report…

The End of World Bank’s “Doing Business Report”: A Landmark Victory for People & Planet

Source: Inter Press Service Andy Currier The writer is Research Associate at the Oakland Institute in San Francisco, USA. SAN FRANCISCO, USA,…

World Bank Riddled With Major Flaws : Doing Business Report Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

–FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE— September 23, 2021 Washington DC, USA The World Bank has announced that it will discontinue the publication of its flagship Doing…

A Landmark Victory: World Bank Finally Ends Its Destructive and Corrupt Doing Business Report

—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE— September 16, 2021, 7:00 PM PT Media Contact: Anuradha Mittal, amittal@oaklandinstitute.org +1 510-469-5228 The World Bank announced today it…

Ceasing Publication of the Doing Business Report

Letter to the World Bank Executive Directors March 11, 2021 We write as concerned members of the civil society organisations, academia and…

Examining the World Bank’s Doing Business Report

Can a market-based economy lead to alleviation of poverty and create shared prosperity? Elsadig Elsheikh — Director, Othering & Belonging Institute, University…

Fuel on the Fire: The World Bank’s Complicity in Duterte’s War on Farmers in the Philippines

  By: Andy Currier On March 17th 2020, 25-year-old peasant advocate and artist Marlon Madlos was riding on the back of a…

Pourquoi les gouvernements devraient s’opposer aux tentatives de marchandisation des terres orchestrées par la Banque mondiale et les États-Unis

Source: World Rainforest Movement Frederic Mousseau Policy Director, The Oakland Institute Le récit du développement continue d’être promu malgré son rôle dans…